Meet your partner in website success

At Spun Sugar Digital, I make your website as sweet and effortless as possible – because you have more important things to focus on.

Rachel Forwood About page intro

Hi! I’m Rachel, the web developer behind Spun Sugar Digital. 

I specialise in making WordPress work wonders for women in business. Think of me as your behind-the-scenes tech whiz, handling everything from website hosting to full-scale redesigns.

Whether you’re looking to completely redesign your website, give it a fresh update or ensure it runs smoothly with regular maintenance and performance optimisation, I have the expertise to help.

Let’s make your website work beautifully for you.

About me...

My name is Rachel Forwood and I founded Spun Sugar Digital to provide WordPress website help to female-led small businesses.

I’m a coffee addict, night owl, wife and mother. I have 2 degrees, 15 years experience in the corporate sector and nearly 10 years in the small business space.

I’ve been working with WordPress and WooCommerce since 2015 and in that time I’ve worked with e-commerce stores, membership sites and subscription based businesses.

My name is Rachel Forwood and I founded Spun Sugar Digital to provide WordPress website help to female-led small businesses.

I’m a coffee addict, night owl, wife and mother. I have 2 degrees, 15 years experience in the corporate sector and nearly 10 years in the small business space.

I’ve been working with WordPress and WooCommerce since 2015 and in that time I’ve worked with e-commerce stores, membership sites and subscription based businesses.

I love to work with start-ups, small and medium sized businesses and not-for-profits.

My passion is as a developer so my ideal client is a business with unique needs, where I can add value via custom code and functionality.

I’m all about helping women to build, improve and learn to love their WordPress websites. If you’d like to see how I can help you, get in contact today.

Rachel Forwood About page

I love to work with start-ups, small and medium sized businesses and not-for-profits.

My passion is as a developer so my ideal client is a business with unique needs, where I can add value via custom code and functionality.

I’m all about helping women to build, improve and learn to love their WordPress websites. If you’d like to see how I can help you, get in contact today.

... and some fun facts

Why the Focus on Female-Run Businesses?​

Well, call me a feminist but I am all for seeing women thrive in business. And I’ve worked with enough women over my years to know that (for a large number of us) we tend to think we can do it all and we often baulk at investing in ourselves. Which all too often leads to burn out and not doing any of the things as well as we could (guilty as charged!).

And I’d like to see that change. 

I’d like to see women recognising that in order to thrive, we sometimes need that additional help and that it’s ok to spend the money. It’s ok to ask an expert to take over the things we don’t like to do. It’s ok to recognise that we don’t have enough time to do all.the.things. It’s ok to admit that some things are just beyond our skill set.

And so that’s why I focus on female-run businesses. I want to show women that letting go of your website management, hiring an expert to do the things that are beyond you, finding a partner to work with you, can make you happy. (Or at least happier – I’m not a miracle worker  😉 )

The Meaning Behind the Name

I’m often asked, why “Spun Sugar Digital”?

When I first started out, naming my business was a big blocker for me. I could not think of a name that was fun, catchy and represented what I wanted my business to be. I spent weeks trying to think of a name and just could not do it.

So I went with the unimaginative, if sweet, option of using the first initial of the names of my 3 gorgeous kids – hence JDC Digital Solutions.

Fast forward a few years and I was ready to tackle the business name again. I had a much better idea of what I wanted my brand to represent and who my ideal client was. I knew that most of my clients came to me feeling like their website was beyond them, struggling with keeping it up-to-date and really seeing it as a bit of a burden. 

By redesigning their website, by sorting out their hosting issues, by optimising their site’s performance, by cleaning up after hackers I was able to make their working day just that bit lighter, just that bit easier.

And so, to the name. Spun sugar is light, it’s sweet, it’s beautiful. It’s associated with celebrations and I challenge anyone to not feel happy when thinking about it! I want people to feel the same way about their website – it should be working for you, you should be proud of it and you should not feel burdened by managing it. 

If your website is not beautiful, if looking after it doesn’t make you happy and if it feels like a burden, it might be time to get someone to help with it. I’d love to be that someone.

So Why Choose Spun Sugar Digital?

These are the values I live by:

Which Service is Right for You?

Unlock the full potential of your website with solutions that enhance performance, security, and user experience, giving you peace of mind:
Custom functionality

Custom Functionality

Website speed booster

Speed Booster

Care plan

Website Care Plans

Website touch up

Website Touch Up

Website audit

Website Audit

Tech assist

Tech Assist

Let's Get Started

Ready to dive in? Still have more questions? Either way, get in contact and we can talk it through. Can’t wait to hear from you!


I just love WordPress for its flexibility and customisability. You can build pretty much anything you want with WordPress but you don’t need a full IT team to do it.

It’s user friendly enough that anyone can build a website using it but if you’re tech-minded you can also customise it in remarkable ways.

It’s open source software, which means that there is always a large community of people collaborating on and contributing to it.

With WordPress, you really own your website – you can download your files and database and take it anywhere you want. If the team behind WordPress shut up shop, your website will still be right there.

It is also the platform of choice for over 40% of all sites across the web. Anything that popular has got to be pretty great! 

WordPress is my first love and it’s where I spend most of my time. However, I also work with Shopify websites, so if you need custom functionality or a touch up for your Shopify website, please get in contact. 

You can get in contact via the contact form on this page or send me an email at

Get In Contact

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